Adding different social media assets to Business manager

Social Media Assets: Instagram account, facebook page, Ads manager etc
You can click on the given link to get retargeted on the home page of meta business manager.

Upon clicking on the link we’ll be redirected to this page:

After going to the home page we’ll click on the “settings” button in the bottom left and you'll be redirected to this page!

Kindly hower down to the pages section in Accounts section.

In the Account section, you can add different assets like facebook pages, Ad accounts, Business asset groups, Applications, Instagram and whatsapp accounts..

We need to just click on “Add Instagram Account” and we can claim any instagram account following this path.

After adding your Credentials, you’re ready to add your asset in to meta business manager

After adding all the different assets, you even have the option to group different assets together and can provide access to the user on the group level!

You can get this option after following this path Settings > Accounts > Business Asset groups

After following these steps, you would be able to add all the different assets into a single business manager and manage every asset from a single place!